
The Village Office is generally where initial contact with the Village takes place.  The office is open from 8:15 am to 4:45 pm, Monday through Friday.  If needed, either the Administrator or Office Assistant may be available outside of that time if planned in advance.  Phone calls are answered in the Office and either taken care of or passed on to the appropriate person.  Contact is maintained with all personnel throughout the work day.  Village Office personnel respond to a vast array of questions, concerns, and complaints which are handled in a friendly and timely manner.


Beyond responding to inquiries from the public, administrative personnel are responsible for the receipt and disbursement of municipal funds.  Utility bills for water and sewer services, tax receipts, highway aids, and state shared revenue make up the bulk of the revenue sources for the Village.  Expenses are similar to those of a typical household or business, just on a larger scale.  Utility bills, insurance, diesel fuel and gas, maintenance services, and payroll are some of the routine expenses incurred by the Village.


Residential garbage and recycling collection is coordinated through the Village Office.  A Recycling Calendar is prepared for each year's collection schedule.  The calendar and accompanying information explains how items are to be prepared for collection.


Administrative services are provided for scheduling meetings, creating agendas, and recording minutes.  Licensing, permitting, election services and taking reservations for Village facilities are also some of the functions of this area of Village operations.


In general, administrative services are involved any activity the Village engages in or provides a service for.