
Edgar Police Department

The mission of the Edgar Police Department is to serve our community with dedication and professionalism, ensuring the protection of life and property in an unbiased manner. We are committed to fostering a collaborative approach to problem-solving by actively engaging with and soliciting input from our citizens. Together, we strive to create a safer, more secure environment for all residents of Edgar

Prescription Drop Off

The Edgar Police Department is participating in a county wide program to provide citizens a place to drop off old prescriptions and medications, including controlled narcotic drugs so they can be properly disposed of and do not wind up in the local landfills or municipal water supplies. Edgar PD, Everest Metro PD, Wausau PD, Marathon City PD, Colby-Abbotsford PD and Rothschild PD have volunteered to host drop boxes at each department.


A drop box is located near the Village Hall window and is available to access, Monday & Wednesday from 8:15 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday from 8:15 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.


This proactive, environmentally friendly program so please adhere to the following rules:


Accepted Items:                                                     Unaccepted Items:

Prescription controlled &                                          Sharps (needles, syringe

Non-controlled medications                                      Auto injectors, lancets)

Over the counter medications                                   Personal care products

Medicated ointments and lotions                              Vitamins & supplements

Veterinary medications                                             Business-generated medication


Easy as 1 – 2 – 3! Follow These Steps:                                                                                                                                                          

  1. Removes Pills from medication bottle. Dispose of bottle in garage can provided

  2. Place pills in zipper bag. Okay to mix.   

  3. Places zipper bag in drop box.